Semester 7 Update; Meeting Steve Harvey

Are we done? Are we really done? I'm not sure, let me confirm first.
Wrote all of my exams, check
Submitted all of my assignments, check
Returned books I've borrowed from the library, returned books...from the library, wait, I need to take them back. I knew I was forgetting something.

Hey Sunsets

So I'm done with my exams, I have one more semester left then we'll be wearing that graduation gown and hat. Yay, I'm so excited, can you tell! I know you can't see the excitement on my face but can you tell, soon I'll be finishing what I started. I'm graduating, first in the family, yes you read that right, first in the family. I definitely know I'm going to cry when I walk from my seat to the Chancellor to be bestowed with my BA Degree. I am graduating from the highest learning institution in the country, a world class University, one of the best in Sub Saharan Africa. Okay let me stop bragging and do what I came here for.

Ours is a love hate relationship 

This semester was a mess but I didn't look like it. Where do I even start? Apparently a good writer knows better than to use rhetoric questions, but I'm still an amateur in this writing department, so please bear with me. I can barely remember anything about this semester, maybe it's because I slept like nobody's business. It wasn't hectic, maybe it was hectic just that I'm used to it, the academic pressures and the breakdowns, so I wouldn't know. Plus I've always been relaxed about everything, I'm never worried about my grades because I know that I'll always make it, just like how I'll make it to Harvard Medical School *flicks hair*.

I remember tossing for a single room and I got one, okay great, now I know where to start. I lived alone this semester and it was the most liberating thing I've ever experienced in my life. Nobody complained about my alarms, I was under no pressure of opening the door everytime there was a knock. For those of you who are thinking if I didn't get bored, I didn't, well I did, just like I got bored back then when I had roommates. So boredom wasn't an issue, I really like being alone, I just wish my family understood that.
I thought I'd be a better person when it comes to keeping my room straight, but no, I guess this is how I'll always be, it's my nature, I feel bad for my future husband, I hope he doesn't have OCD. But I did try to decorate my room, I bought a white bedding, a mirror, white laundry basket, everything was white and yellow, my room was homey and welcoming. That's something yes, progress right, I deserve a pat on the back. 

And our cleaning lady, the coolest person I've ever come across, she minds her own business, literally. Oh, she drives a Toyota Fortuner too uses designer bags and perfumes. It's a huge transition from what I had to deal with the past three academic years, cleaning ladies from my previous blocks were so rude and mean, I dreaded morning showers because of them. The one from first year was literally from hell, she shouted unnecessarily and treated us like inmates, I think she didn't want us. And when I was doing second year I didn't have to deal with any of them, the lady we were supposed to work with had just retired then, so we had interims who we hardly saw. My third year lady was no different from my first year one, but I built a relationship with her, I was actually her favourite, we were friends we still are friends, I used to make tea for her and a whole lot of other stuff. But she was mean to other residents, they feared her. And in my last year God decided to bless me with an angel, oh how much I love her... I think she noticed too, I've always wanted to have a relationship with her, it didn't happen. 

And I was working, I had like three jobs and two gigs. I don't know how to feel about the whole thing, getting paid is the only thing that mattered.
Even though I was working, I was broke almost the entire time, but where would I be without my friend Abigail, I think I should write about her you know, I'm not exaggerating when I say she's a Goddess. This semester I've found myself counting Thebes to buy a hotdog with my friend Rose so we could share it. It was that hard hey. I was broke while working, it's because I was being paid peanuts, please cry with me. WELP!!!

And I got to realise that people have money hey, like loads of money. Someone earns P250K a month, every thirty days you get that kind of money, how do you even keep the composure when you're that rich rich!!! I guess it was God trying to show me that it's okay to dream big, with him anything is possible. I can only imagine next year living in a four bedroom flat in Village, staying with my little brother, having my siblings visit me every weekend, it has to happen. Irrelevant piece of information, but alas, we move. 

Fashion sense, wait, can you guys believe I gave away all of my heels and almost all of my clothes!? Yes, I did that, exactly that. Anyway I realised I look good in flair skirts and dresses, something that goes up to my knees. Now I'll be investing in the right pieces of clothing. 

Can we all agree that I'm beautiful!!! 😍


See I wasn't lying 💞

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          How can I forget the most important detail of it all, I voted, my country The Republic of Botswana had it's twelfth general elections, and I voted. It happened two months ago, but I'm still excited, I was a first time voter. See how much of a responsible citizen I am, I traveled all the way from Gaborone to Majwaneng (home village) to vote. Can y'all help me clap hands for me, thank you *red cheek emoji*.

This was taken on my way home, see Majwaneng there 💗

By the way I went for Miss Botswana auditions, didn't I nail that interview! I still didn't make it to the top thirty though, was I not hurt *flowing tears emoji*.  I was so hurt because I've always made it to the final lap of every pageant I've auditioned for, but I got over it within a few hours. I've decided not to go back for Miss Botswana, I don't know but I feel like Miss World is just not for me, it doesn't scream Seanokeng every time I think of it. I've decided to go for Miss Universe, next year, immediately after I finish my last exam, it's been five years or so without Botswana being represented at Miss Universe pageant. But hold me down for this, next year I'm going to represent Botswana at Miss Universe and I'll definitely be crowned MU 2020. I feel like the pageant represent who I am, everything from its principles, anyway that's news for the other day.

Wait, I almost forgot something important, again!!! Anyway I saw Steve Harvey in person, he came to my University, to give a talk, I still don't know what was the motive of the whole event, I went there because he's always hosting Miss Universe, I was hoping to get through to him and talk, but I wasn't that brave so I failed. Mogirl was sitting in the front row with Ministers and MPs, I know I'm the girl, that girl. And I think it was also my first time seeing the President in person, I'm not so sure.

My social life was a total blunder and a disappointment, I literally hanged out with two people and my family, that was it. But I did try to volunteer here and there, join a new club and attend events organised by the Student Center Departments. I joined this other club, Psychology Club and I managed to make it to the Executive Committee. Compared to my former club "Finance Society", it was not as lively and out there as I would have expected. Maybe it's because we were the ones who piloted it, so it is still a baby that need nurturing for growth. I hope next semester it will be better than it was this semester.

Psychology Club team building, I'm behind the girl with a blue hat. Pink shirt, that's me. 

What I could say is that Semester 1s are always my favourite, everything is just new, you're starting a new academic year, getting a new room and the likes. Plus I like the weather minus the heat, I'm always fascinated by how green trees are from August but the last time it rained was in March. Nature never fails to amaze me, God's finest creation. There's a lot to talk about this semester, I'm failing to squeeze every little detail of the events that took place, I'll insert photos if I have any to tell the untold stories. It took me a week to write this blog because I didn't want to leave anything out, the major events, I hope I didn't.

Thank you for coming back, enjoy your festive, drink and be merry. Love and Light

PS; There's this photo of mine, I've been trying to look for but I've failed, it was taken from the Steve Harvey event. I'm definitely going to look for it and upload it here for you guys to see. 


  1. ❤️❤️😭 Beautiful, you're making major strides in your writing...
    You make me want to keep on reading. Don't let up ❤️

    1. Thank you so much, your words are motivation enough 💞💞

  2. You are such a great writer bababesNext year bring that crown home


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