Airy Is Bubbly; An Anthology


Airy is bubbly, whatever that phrase means, let’s keep it moving, keep it moving?? I jump everytime I see that phrase, the last time I mentioned it I was haunted for the whole night. Anyway this is a collection of short stories;



I got this from a series I am currently watching on Netflix, pause....did I just say Netwhat!!!, felt good saying that, bless the friends who are generous enough to give us access to their Netflix accounts, they surely deserve their own heaven, different from ours as commoners. 21 is a lonely number, thing is you don’t realise how lonely you are when you’re living it, it hits you two years later, you’re just sitting there and then a bombshell, like man, how did I even survive that??? At 21 I was heartbroken and bodybroken and spiritbroken and lonely, I feel like God forgot about me for a moment there. On my birthday I was in a dark room, feeling loneliest I’ve ever been, I wasn’t coping at me 21 is a wakeup call that life won’t always go your way, but I wish I knew that the phase of emptiness would pass, even though life doesn’t get better or kinder, we do get better and kinder as humans, and then we get to fully experience the beauty of life, thriving in chaos

Be kind to yourself 


Does something bad ever happen to you, and then you’re like, nah I’m a big girl, nothing can bring me down, I’ve been here before, I know better, and then brush it off and then keep it moving, and then days passby and then you realise no man, I was done dirty. Sudden rush of emotions, you hesitate breaking down, you realise Sia was on to something when she said big girls cry when their hearts are breaking. We can never be too old or experienced to deal with heart issues and loss and death, please if you see this, ke kopa ewallet because I need to see a therapist, please. Men do us dirty, Sasa Klaas passed away, Steve murdered Chata, honestly, what is the 1st stage of grief???? For what it is worth, talk about it, cry it all out, even though it will always be a part of you, let it all out, pour it all out, big girls really cry when their hearts are breaking, truth is, it doesn’t get better at the end of the day, your skin just grows thicker

Thick skin doesn't make you immune to tragedy 


Well it turns out that I’m not bad at making new friends afterall, I’m sure I’ve mentioned that I couldn’t connect with my classmates here before, we’ve diverted back to a conventional  way of teaching, and meeting new people, people who I’ve been classmates with for a semester. I am talking to them, I am charming them with my jokes, I am actually funny, a person carrying a great sense of humor. Also, I am still procrastinating, yes, at my big age. I finished a book since the last time we talked. I am just living and floating around, ahh it just hit me that airy is bubbly actually means something... Corona is still terrorising us, at this point in time, I am tired of always being poked in the nose. Apart from the fact that I am broke and boyfriendless, I am doing great, I mean I don’t go to bed on an empty stomach, my life is comfortable, I still have dreams and hopes for myself.

As high as it may get, don't forget to melt your heart 

NB; -An immense overuse of the words “just” and “hit”...I edited this text, so no abuse of words here, you guys are blessed hey

-         - No song or album recommendation this time around

-          - When I say what is the 1st stage of grief, I don’t want to be told what a person usually does first when they’re hit with a cannonball, I don’t want a knee jerk response, what I want to know is what should one’s first move be when grief hits them...

Sea without an L but with love 💕


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