Twenty Two. But Better.

Playing ▶️ Taylor Swift-22 ⏸️ Pause

Hey Sunsets

This is the birthday edition blog, I went twenty two on the eighteenth of August . Initially this should've been posted last week, but you know procrastination and ruining plans. Anyway, now that I'm here can we talk about my birthday! Where do I even start? Okay can we take it back to Thursday, because that's where it all started. I planned a party for Friday, can we laugh together, because your girl and last minute plans!!! It was the first party that I've ever had in my entire existence probably the last. Even though it wasn't well planned I'm glad to tell you that it was a success, because we really turned up and had the best time of our lives. I enjoyed every moment of it, another wish off the bucket list "I had a party".

This is me & my best friend  Rose❤️

Did i tell you i went out for lunch with my best friend? Well I did & it was last minute plans also, likewise I'd have to say I enjoyed. Picture this, you're at a restaurant with the person you adore, talking about everything and laughing and having great food. Who wouldn't enjoy that?

As if that wasn't enough, my uncle pulled through for me like he always does, took me out for dinner with his family. We went to an Indian restaurant and I ordered a whole bottle of wine. Because of the Friday aftermath, I couldn't finish it, I'm sure you know why! Plus I had school the next day, so I had to tone it down a bit. The food was great, best company, it was everything that i needed. 

😅 Bottle of wine i talked about!!! 

Oh my God, i went to church, how can I forget?? The Pastor was teaching about Goal setting and achieving them, making tough decisions. It was indeed a new year for me. I talked to God, thanked him for the twenty two years and told him about my heart desires and dreams, to renew faith and hope. Oh how I love Church.

Now that I'm twenty two, allow me to tell you about my twenty one. It was a mess, an entire bundle of tantrums. It's a phase of my life that i got to try almost everything, i got drunk at twenty one, went to my first concert, experienced both being broke and financially stable, crossed the borders for the very first time. I believe the whole phase was about me discovering myself, what i prefer, triggers me, makes me high and all.
But I still couldn't bring myself to do one thing, just one, let me deliver the same news from my twenty year old self, I'm still a virgin. Not that it's a bad thing, I mean virginity is cool but can you believe that at the age of twenty two I'm still here, might as well as go be a nun.

Twenty one hey, I almost got depressed, well I think I got to a point of depression, something we'll talk about in another blog. This new phase of my life is about being better, going an extra mile to achieving my goals. My hopes and dreams still stand, nothing has changed. What has changed is my character, I've decided to be a little more patient than I was, persevere, be consistent in whatever I do, resilient, put in more effort (hardwork) . This is a season of being the best version of myself. Hence Twenty Two But Better.

▶️ Play 22 by Taylor Swift


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