University. Or Not!

Hey Sunsets

So it's the first week of school, I am a University student by the way. A final year student to be precise πŸΈπŸ’ƒ I can see the graduation gown already, I don't think i'll ever be ready for the moment. Because wow, who'd have thought that one day i'll be here, talking about graduation. Anyway that's beside the point, can someone tell me why we are talking about graduation when i'm supposed to be on first week of school??
Back to the topic. Classes are on going and your girl is in bed, she's home, unbothered (there's no such word, but can we pretend it exists!!). I haven't had breakfast, or brushed my teeth or did anything, my phone is on battery low it might go off anytime, when it does i'm going back to sleep. And wake up in the evening with hopes to find my student allowance deposited.

Want to know why i'm home not school? It's because i'm broke, I literally have nothing to my name, well i'm exaggerating but you do get the point. I have no stationary or food for my dorm or money for transport, at least I have enough toiletry to last me for two months if not over. Let's rewind a bit, your girl is broke ( I feel like i'm over using the word) and she's far from being concerned or moved or bothered. I'm out here chilling, sleeping to be exact. I don't know maybe it's because i'm tired of reacting to situations, well i'm not tired because I never react, I think it's because i've never dealt with grief first hand. My friend says i'm emotionless, I disagree with her, I just don't know how to show emotions. Topic for another blog.
I'm missing classes, it's not intentional, at least i'll catch up, i'm a fast learner & smart after all. I wish I could ask my parents for money, it's times like this I miss when we were financially stable back home. It wasn't enough but we survived & kept going, right now I don't know what to think, because it's worse, I don't know how we're doing it hey, surviving!
I could be asking my friends for loans but I hate debt. Please donate for a charitable cause, I am a charitable cause. Being poor is the ghetto hey, it's draining (okay why do I sound like Maatla?). Through all the drama let's not forget i'm okay, unbothered, something will have to come up. I should look for a part job hey, something that'll accommodate my class timetable. Money need to be made, I can't live like this anymore.

Apart from lack of finances, the reason why i'm still bed right now is because of school, i'm stressed, my core courses are clashing. And I cannot afford not to do any of them now, because your girl have to graduate next year remember!? How can UB betray me like this, why is UB acting like i'm not paying them? But instead of going to school & map a way forward, i'm in bed, am I not tired? I still love UB though, I don't know why but I genuinely love this place. Well we'll talk about that some other time. For now, let me go back to sleep. Thank You for listening to me venting πŸ˜‚ not that you had any other choice but thank you.

Photos; 1) Source Unknown
               3)Wasabi Creatives


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