Behind The Silence

Do we all remember the story of that lady named Bottle, I wouldn't blame any of you if you don't know what I'm talking about. I'm not so sure about the details of the story, I don't know where I heard it either, or was it a dream! Right now the details are a little bit blurry, but somehow I feel like I've experienced everything Bottle have went through first hand. Not entirely everything because I came in the middle of the story, I don't know if it was the middle, let's just say I came right on time for the party.

Here it goes, so Bottle just like any of us was once young and hopeful and full of dreams, I'm just assuming because I wasn't there, so I don't know anything about the beginning. It happened she met a man, they were in love, so she thought. And they had a kid, I don't know what Bottle was thinking then, for a lesser sentence I would like to believe there were no contraceptives back then.

To avoid being biased let me skip some events and go straight into the scene where Bottle have four kids and she is a housewife. Right now I'm fuming, how could she settle for less, assessing the whole situation, less is an understatement. Anyway Bottle is a housewife with four kids, we're going with the title of a housewife because it's only technical. You and I have mutual thoughts, questions are overflowing, unfortunately I can't answer any of them because I don't know what happened too. Using logic, I'd like to believe Bottle did everything for her Mr, bore kids for him, literally did everything for him. Ahh I see you're thinking Bottle was in a happy relationship with the love of her life, not to burst your bubble but you're wrong. But Mr cheated on Bottle like there's no tomorrow, plus he was controlling, didn't allow Bottle to go anywhere, I doubt he gave her money. It wasn't an abusive relationship, unless my definition of abusive is different from yours, but just like a normal couple they fought and exchanged bitter words. What is a normal relationship anyway?

You think this narrative of Bottle is sad! Allow me to send sunshine and butterflies your way, Bottle finally got a job in the long run, care to celebrate!

Continuing Bottle had more kids, you're not allowed to get mad now, I am not even halfway through the story. So it happened that Mr gor ill, it was bad because he ended up bedridden. Bottle nursed him to good health and he got better, life went back to normal. Through all this Bottle had deal with her monster in law relatives, she didn't really have in-laws, but due to circumstances and pressing situations she believed she had in-laws.

After all this time, everything was still the same, Mr was still a cheat and an abusive dominant, I'm still quarreled about this word abusive, due to my limited vocabulary I'll go with it anyway.

For a moment there was hope for their relationship, they had plans, I was impressed. That finally Bottle is going to get her life in order, build a home and get to experience the long anticipated happy ever after. But no, I was wrong, my assumptions were wrong. Mr chased bottle out of his house, together with "her" kids.

"After everything they've been through?" yes, after everything they've been through Sunsets, Bottle got tossed out like trash by Mr after committing twenty five years of her life to him. Life is not fair, it has never been, it will never be. Whatever it is, always leave room for disappointments. Seems like Bottle didn't, let's just pray she doesn't fall into depression or commit suicide. "Her" kids need her!!!

Here's to new beginnings Bottle 💞☀️

Thank you Pepper for submitting this heart wrenching story, I hope my readers will enjoy it, because I loved it.

Hey Sunsets

I am sorry for being inconsistent, I promise to do better from now on.


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