Future Diary; HMS

Hey Sunsets 

Today is one of those days where you just wake up and you're happy, I've always been a morning person more than a night owl. But that does not mean I enjoyed mornings, I always had a serious face, okay let me stop with all the modesty and just be blunt, it's not a serious face it's a resting bitch face, there I said it. So how's today different? I'm all smiles, cheek to cheek. I always open my blinds first thing when I wake up, but today I opened them with enthusiasm and high energy. My morning routine includes reading my bible and listening to Hillsong while I continue with my to do list. Today I didn't go on YouTube and play Hillsong, instead I sang their songs, amazing how I know all of them beat to beat word to word, I even hum to the sounds.

Anyway I continue with my morning routine, take a shower and make myself a cup of tea, I drink it by my window, looking over campus. This time I've stopped singing, but the songs are playing in my head, and I'm crying, guess I'll always be a crybaby. Those who know me know that I cry when I'm happy, I'm overwhelmed by emotions, I did myself a favour by not applying makeup. I spend more time than usual by my window looking over campus, after all these years and mornings I'm still fascinated by the view, the Gothic Buildings, I love everything about this space that I'm in. I've always dreamt of moments like these, I knew this time will come, but I always thought it was far fetched, I'd have to admit I had doubts, that I'd be here, I even had plan B's incase this one failed. But God, he's faithful, he keeps his promises, he provides. I am still crying, and if I don't leave now I'll be late.

It's time to leave my room and go to campus. Most of the students here use bicycles, I'm not. I walk, I've always preferred walking even from my undergrad years. My faculty is thirty minutes away from my res, of all my four years here I've never complained about the distance. I like it instead, walking you get to interact with a lot of people and you get to see everything that is going on and indulge in the moment, you get to appreciate your environment. I arrive at campus after thirty minutes, the first stop is my Professor's office, to submit a report of what I did yesterday. Prof says I'm his favourite student, because I'm always punctual and I've never missed school of all my four years being here. He's impressed, I'm impressed. I'm left with two months to finish this course, and I'm proud to announce that I'll be graduating at the top of my class, and it's all God.

One thing I love about my University is that every faculty has dogs, friendly dogs, I'm told they're there to relieve us stress from all the pressure.
Our faculty has three, Boo, Rocky and Sway. The dogs are my favourite part about this place, I have favorites but the Dogs are top two. They know me, and I know them, I always come to play with them four times a day. I once got in trouble because I left with them to my res and brought them the next morning.

Time to leave the quad and go to the hospital, it's almost time up. I'm on rotation at MIT Campus Hospital, under Neuro. I'd have to admit that this is my calling, plus I love MIT Hospital, it's one of the places I applied for to do my Residency in, it's not my first choice though. I'm still indecisive about where I want to go from here, I think I might remain in Cambridge, I've fallen in love with it over the years, I've bonded with the locals, and even the weather. Hopkins offered me a place too, I've applied to Columbia Teaching Hospital. Chances are that I might go to New York, I've always wanted to live in New York, I still remember I included it in my vision board when I was still in UB. I've applied to Stanford too, and I got admitted into their program, but I rejected their offer, California is hot, reminds me of home. Like I said, I'm still indecisive, I don't know what is going to happen from here.

Where was I? Ohh, I managed to arrive in time for my rounds, I did most of the presentations, ohh and the head of Neuro requested me to scrub in with him today. We're removing a tumor that grew from the stem of the brain, it's going to be a complicated surgery but we refuse to lose hope. Estimated time is eighteen hours, looks like I won't be going back to campus or spending the night in my room for the fourth time this week alone. At least I enjoyed my morning routine and got to see Boo, Rocky and Sway. Not that I'm complaining, please hear me and hear me right, when I say I love it here and I love what I'm doing. Did I tell you that I'm the star intern! I'm not bragging, but everybody loves me, from the security guard to the nurses and Doctors, okay let me stop *inserts a red cheek and halo emojies*

The year is 2026, and I'm left with exactly two months to complete my MBBS Degree at Harvard Medical School. Do you remember how I didn't read the Bible this morning, I recited my favourite verses, from the Book of Ezekiel 37: 1-14 "Can these dry bones live". It will always be my verse of hope, the dry bones lived for me, they came to life, God brought all the hope back and brought me to HMS. I cry every morning when I wake up and I find myself in Harvard, because it is not a dream, it is my reality.

Anyway, let me scrub in and save lives...


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