The End

There are these socks, that I really like, they're warm & comfortable, my friend gave them to me after a night out. And I've been putting them on for two weeks without taking them off, the only time they get to be off my feet is when I'm taking a shower.
Why am I talking about socks?
Because from now onwards when I see them, I'll be reminded of a beautiful ending.

I thought I was going to close this chapter dramatically, you know, being in front of 252, posing for a photo, which I'd later post on social media captioned "Wrote my last undergrad exam today, University of Botswana has been amazing, I'll forever be grateful for this phase of my life. Now we're on to bigger & better things in life, we're spreading our wings, SOAR". But life had its plans right!!!

It all started with me falling off my bed & it ended with socks. *Howling Emojis* Jokes aside, truth be told, it all started with a dream. Okay, the year is 2008 and I'm doing standard 5, I'm living with my grandmother in the shantiest part of the town, I'm 11. I have the most wildest dream, that one day I'd love to go to University. It's wild, because there's no one to mentor me, no one who've been to University around my vicinity, & lastly because I've planned my life that far, that's how wild it is.
The year is 2011, I'm doing form one, my dream gets refined, I finally decide that I'd love to pursue medicine. Still, it's wild, no one to mentor me, no one within my vicinity is a Doctor. But the dream still stands.
The year is 2014, I'm narrowing my dream to make it clearer, I've decided that I want to study in the highest learning institution in the country, University of Botswana.
Now the dream is perfect, doable, attainable, the only thing left is for me to put in the work.
It's 2016, my dream finally came to pass *I'm emotional right now, I'm crying* I finally came to University. University of Botswana, I'm not doing what I've initially wanted to do, but that doesn't matter (of course it does matter, but you do get my point) the focus is on the bigger picture here.
I'm starting my first year, pursuing a Bachelors Degree. I defied all odds, groundbreaking, trailblazer, I attained my ancestors wildest dreams. Dreams are meant to come true.

It's been four years of pure bliss, self discovery, of being naive, it's been one hell of a ride, a roller-coaster of emotions and everything there is to explain. For someone who's usually good with words, I am actually failing myself right now.
I don't know where to start, but I know I'll probably end my story with socks. I don't know where to end, but I know I'll probably start my story with falling off my bed.
I didn't know anything about mental health when I started Uni, nor alcohol or sex, to sum it up, I knew nothing.
Now I come out of this place liberated, radical, defined and refined and corupted maybe!! To a certain extent. I have cried real tears because of Varsity, I remember crying because I got a 30% and getting it together instantly and started studying. I still remember crying for a boy, boy wasn't that the most painful thing ever!!! Wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. I remember crying and my best friend was there for me. I remember all the tears.
As much as I remember all the tears I equally remember all the moments of joy. I remember all the leaps of faiths. I remember the first boy I ever liked. I remember the first time I shared a bed with the love of my life, the kisses, subtle giggles, stares, I remember love, I remember the first time I experienced real love.
I'll always remember Uni as the place I allowed myself to loosen up, be vulnerable, say words like I love you. I'll always remember this place as a place where I grew strong bonds, that I pray everyday will be everlasting.
This is the place where I've gained independence I've been yearning for almost my entire life, the autonomy.
Did I mention "leaps of faiths"!!! I think I did, I still remember my first pageant, that was a major move. I'll forever be grateful for letting myself get out of my comfort zone, I still remember going for my UBFS (Finance Society) interview, and I nailed it, and a year later I was part of the executive team. I discovered myself there, what I liked, what I didn't. All those conferences and seminars I attended with prominent giants in the corporate world, the first time I rode in a UB Bus, the first time I went to Game Reserve, the first time I went to BSE offices, my firsts will always be prominent.
Even though I failed to make friends, I allowed myself to be sociable, approachable, and everything. During my first year I was that friend who wouldn't get invited anywhere, mostly because I was likely to reject those invitations. And in my last lap, I was that friend who made plans, I was approached to be the mastermind. Honestly, I don't know how I handled being a final year student and going out almost every weekend. Unbelievable.
And I learnt about feminism in this very place, advocating for equality and women rights. I've always been a reader, but I cultivated my love for reading in this place. I come out of this place knowledgeable, with rich vocabulary, a different person, I come out of this place better. This has been amazing, this has been exciting, this has been everything. I'll always remember this place, to my grave. Now we close this chapter.

I'm walking out of my room, and the last of my items I'm carrying is milk, my phone, purse and a bookmark. This is really it. This is the end.


  1. I love love this piece ❤️✨❤️ The self actualisation is beautiful and that you feel like you became more you ✨😍❤️ Good luck babe 🌸✨


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