Beautiful Nights

I am lazy, and I hate it hate it with so much passion, to get the message through, ke setshwakga bathong, and I love my sleep, I can never have enough sleep. The other night it was raining heavily and power got disturbed, I took it as a chance to sleep, i'll wake up after a few hours to do some work, please some work WHERE???? I slept for twelve whole hours, I woke up the next day still wanting some more sleep. I guess old habits die hard hey, even in high school I was the sleepiest girl in class, I sneaked in some naps during class, and slept through the entire prep. Loui actually warned me about this thing, of how I should build new habits before twenty five, otherwise it'll be downhill from there onwards, that I should start working out more, in overall poured a truck full of words of wisdom on me, tota ene hela he's always spitting talking about some serious stuff, but do I listen?? Between me and my ancestors.

But then again what I love about my life is that everything is balanced, i'm lazy but somehow when it comes to my academics i'd never fail, I guess I hit the genetics lottery, whatever it is I thank God.

I believe in sparkling wine more than I believe in myself, color white overall, white roses, white sheets, but definitely I love my men black. Last time I talked about something here it happened, maybe this is a sign that if I want something I should put it on my blog, baby borrowed me his laptop and honestly I never thought life would get any easier or convenient, like, wow, it's like appreciating breathing after your nose clears, like I'll never take this for granted ever again. Anyway, ke kopa le nthekeleng iPhone I'll refund you in heaven, thank you. 

Life has been okay lately, I mean I am graduating ka October. I am learning a few things, getting rid of old habits, self doubt going out first. I got offered a position at Bank of Botswana upon the successful completion of my dissertation, but I was like why me? I am not even top of my class, o raa jang? I am not even brilliant, what do you even mean. I then remembered Ecclesiastes 9:11 'I have observed something else under the sun. The fastest runner doesn't always win the race, and the strongest warrior doesn't always win the battle. The wise sometimes go hungry and the skillful are not necessarily wealthy. And those who are educated don't always lead successful lives. It is all decided by chance, by being in the right place at right time'. So I decided this is my chance, this is my time.

Postcard: here's to beautiful nights

I am still very much obsessed with this, and I still believe in alcohol, I love how the first sip goes straight to the legs, also let me plug you, tequila soothes period cramps, an elite creation in my opinion, she now writes more often, there are Instagram accounts I religiously follow, and I always think to myself gore okay, these people are giving us quality content, why aren't they big accounts? But then again I am selfishly glad that they're small accs, because they are giving us authentic content her and her.

When I have my own house ke ya go nna ke hosta di valentines dinner, friendsmas and any kind of parties as long as nna le ditsala tsame re ja monate. I also want to be a WAG at some point in my life, you know, live an insane life for a moment, parties in Ibiza, mimosas in Italy, that kind of living you. And I believe in romance, I will forever love finer things in life, I am not a simple woman honestly, I love luxury. I am hoping to get funding for my research, when I do get it, with my money I intend to save money, revamp my bedroom, upgrade my wardrobe, buy an iPhone 13 & a macbook, I don't know, and also buy more books, as well as visit home more often. I went home for the holidays, it was just okay. I have made a promise myself that I am going to get a Merc for myself within the first two years of working. I finished F.R.I.E.N.D.S after three years, it was an okay show in my opinion, I'd give a 5/10, nna ne e ntenela gore the storyline revolved around sex, ga ke itse, maybe that is what was selling then, ne go le di intersex hela tse di unnecessary. I've watched Wednesday, finished Lucifer, tota I live on Netflix, I consume art in the form of moving motions a followed by literature, for me TV is a form of learning, I learn how to pronounce words. I am currently watching Outlander, Loui recommended it, I'd give it a 6/10, open for debate, I am currently on S5, and I am still indecisive on how to feel about it, tota hela dilo tsa ga Loui di nna di le questionable. 

I hope I write more often from now on.


 I love the sight of young women being able to afford themselves, the girls are eating and I genuinely want that for me, how must I pray? Earlier on I walked into woolies, I crossed paths with this gorgeous girlie holding a bouquet of flowers and six pack of those woolies drinks we dash bev with, my heart melted right there on spot because the girls are eating and I love that for them, such a sweet sight, once again, it should've been me. Tota hela I love the sight of women having fun and being able to afford themselves, le bo senior girls tota.

This was extracted from a blog post I wrote months ago, I decided not to publish it for reasons beyond me, I am in a better head space now.

Here's another postcard ❤


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