
One thing I love about being home is that you get to appreciate the little things about life, earth, universe, just everything. I don't know why I said little things, because nothing about life or mother earth or the universe or anything is little. It's extraordinary, amazing, magic; and little is none of that. Like I said, being home forces me to appreciate all the works of nature, the moon in this sense. I get to sit outside and converse with my favourite person, sometimes we just sit in silence and I get to appreciate her beauty while appreciating the moon.

It's magic, the moon! breathtaking, we've focused so much on the sun we've never got to see the moon for what it really is, while the sun sometimes punish us with its harsh rays for God knows what, the moon never did any of that.
The moon is gentle, warm, safe. For me it is my safespace, because I can stare at it and feel comfort and assurance, it allows me to wander in my thoughts and get lost in my mind freely without any threat. It's not harsh to my eyes or threat to my skin, it is my safe haven.

We get to appreciate every inch of its being, because it comes in phases, it builds up from just a crescent piece to being whole, we get to feel and experience every episode and fall in love. The moon is perfect art.
You my love you're royalty, you first appear from your brooding, you're escorted by two stars, that on it's own is royal treatment, the stars don't make a way for you, they align for you, may the stars align for you!. Because you're vulnerable but you have authority, the stars, they escort you in, the second day it's just one star, the third day they let you be on your own, it's amazing to witness all of this, watching the universe let you down into space gently, I always get teary, joy.

On your fourth day you rise, full quarter to being whole, and you bright up the whole lands, all four corners of the earth, from seas to highest mountains, you shine your perfections. And it's such a beauty to witness, but I love you, for one thing, yet you luminate the whole earth you don't outshine the stars, you let them bright, and twinkle in the sky. Such a joy to watch, you're a force to be reckoned with, you're strength, power, you embody all of these yet you still maintain your softness, being fluffy. You continue to reveal yourself, up until you become whole, and such perfection sometimes blind my heart, they weren't lying, my ancestors! When they said love is blind.

You're mysterious, I still remember I went outside, on whatever night it was, and you weren't there, I looked at the sky, prosecuted her, asked, "where's my baby?", she didn't answer, I looked around one more time. Went behind my grandmother's haven, to weep, and I saw you, you were red, and setting, and I realised that I came out late today, but I caught you right on time, just before you could moonset, I was happy, fulfilled.
I came back the next night, with no expectations of finding you, because I knew you went brooding, but you were there, my heart melted, you were so perfect, snow white, fluffy, in your full form, that was your last night. Now I await your next arrival, in a perky crescent form, moon, my love.


I've learnt a lot from you, that acknowledging pain is part of life, pain demands to be felt, and that's okay, it's part of life. And that you don't always have to show up, sometimes you just have to take a break from everything, closeup, don't even listen to your heart. That I'm not perfect, I have to start from somewhere, no one was born fully grown, my boobs had to develop, I had to learn speech, that doesn't make me any less perfect, no one was born good at anything, they to develop a skill overtime and be perfect at it, I can be anything that I want, even the sky is not the limit. Lastly, no one is an island, lighting others candles won't dim your light.

Thank You


  1. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

    I honestly love the moon too ❤️


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