Touch Base

Hey Sunsets 

Firstly, let me point out that I'm so disappointed in myself, for a lot of things but most importantly for not uploading content for two months. Just wow, and thank you for sticking around despite my inconsistency, I appreciate it.

Anyway back to basics, touch base right, before I tell you anything, please laugh with me, just to wear off the laughter. So, that boyfriend I bragged about in "Where Were We", we broke up, the relationship ended with festive, okay, I just wanted to establish that before we could go anywhere far.

What else!!! Oh yes, I've been reading, that is why I haven't been blogging, I think I've read a total of of seven books so far, I'm not so sure, but somewhere around that figure. And standout texts will have to be "Ghana Must Go by Taiye Selasi", I think everyone deserves to read that book, I highly highly recommend it, we should all be exposed to greatness at least once in our lifetime, and reading Ghana Must Go is one way how. At the beginning I found it hard to read the book, because I felt like it was confusing, I had to read the first two chapters twice to truly understand what's going on, but after that, I drowned with the waves and I enjoyed every tide.
And the other one has to be "We Need New Names by NoViolet Bulawayo", I feel like she outdid herself when it came to crafting this book. The precision, attention to detail, I'm still in awe, it's one of those books that'll make you go back and read it over and over again. I'm always referencing it each an every time I'm having a conversation with someone, that's how much I loved it, maybe it's because it's relatable to some extent, close to home.

Ahh apart from reading, where were were! That I broke up with my December boyfriend, again, we don't have to talk about that right! Again, please laugh with me, I think it'd only be fair if I told you that I was left for another girl, you deserve that right! Closure, we all need it, even though I never got mine, but it's a closed chapter right, I've long moved on. Umjolo neh!!! Do it at your own risk.
But we still do it hey, dating! No matter how risky it is. I told myself that I'll run for my life when I meet someone who makes me feel like I could make a vow in front of God "In health and sickness, for richer for poorer...". I thought I was going to run for my life and not look back, but look at me now, I'm ready to give it all up, I'm out here thinking about a house and kids. For what it's all worth, do it wholeheartedly.

From "The Sun and Her Flowers by Rupi Kaur" 

Anyway, I was supposed to be completing my course this coming month, on the 18th, but mother earth had its own plans. I think its safe to say this isn't the 2020 that I ordered, please cry with me, pass me some tissues sweetheart. But I really needed this break, because everything was just going sideways, off the rail, two months into the semester and I was already falling apart, couldn't keep up, I'm so glad that we took a break even though the circumstances are overwhelming. Right now I'm studying at my own pace, taking time to understand the concepts, under no pressure. Plus I can still save for my graduation, I still have time. Talking about graduation, I think I should create a GoFundMe Account, so that you guys can donate for a charitable cause, I am a charitable cause, more tissues sweetheart.
And I thought about applying for my masters, I had already made up my mind, got my transcripts and even wrote my research proposal and personal statements, I even approached the coordinator, who liked me and encouraged me to apply, we even established a perfect relationship. But I changed my mind, that I wouldn't be applying, I feel like I need to take a break, from everything. I'll consider it next year. Plus I'm considering on changing fields of study, I don't think I'd want to pursue Economics for the rest of my life, I was thinking journalism, it's a crazy thought, but why not.

And the good news, drumroll!!! I am back in pageantry, yay, I am so excited, after a year of being absent. I made it to top 21 of Miss Culture International Botswana, I nailed the auditions, like I always do, not bragging, but stating the facts here Sunsets. So if you see my name please like, comment and share, it's that simple.
And I've been going out, meeting new people, I'm just happy I no longer lock myself in that one room of mine the University lent to me. As much as I'd argue that I'm an introvert, I think it's time I quit fooling myself and admit that I'm a social bird.

A few bumps here and there, life has been good. That's all I can say.

Love and Light ✨


  1. Effen Fun Read Sunset, You A Sunset Too Yeah? Hehe! More Content Please...

    1. 😅 Thank you, more content is absolutely coming up

  2. I am sure this update wasn’t always there because I been Baby your tweets make sense. Sorry my love. I will dm you.

    Thank you for this offaling ❤️✨ stay writing 😍

    1. 💕☺️😍 Bathong Maatla you're so sweet and kind, I appreciate it. I'm still waiting for that dm 😌


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